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Cui Nanfang


Department of Operations Management

Research Interests:
Operations Management; Critical Chain Project Management; Supply Chain Management; Purchasing Management; Theory of Constraint; etc
Phone: +86-27-87556459
Email: nfcui@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 1998.

M.E. (Majored in Geology Engineering), CSUT, 1987.

B.E. (Majored in Geology Engineering), CSUT, 1984.

Overseas Visiting and Training

GCPCL Program, Harvard University, USA, July-Aug. 2010.

Visiting Scholar, K.U. Leuven, Belgium, Aug. 2010-Sep. 2010.

Attending 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, October 4-13,2013

Attending 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, November 8-12,2014

Courses Taught

Operations Management, Purchasing and Supply Management, Advanced Production Scheduling, etc.

Industrial Experiences

Consulting Activities: China Yangtze Power Co., Ltd.; Yunnan Dachaoshan Hydropower Co., Ltd.; Fujian Sedrin Berwery Group Company; MaYinglong Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., etc.

Research Interests

Operations Management; Critical Chain Project Management; Supply Chain Management; Purchasing Management; Theory of Constraint; etc.

Representative Research Papers

[1] Xuejun Hu, Nanfang Cui, Erik Demeulemeester, Li Bie. Incorporation of activity sensitivity measures into buffer management to manage project schedule risk. European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, 249(2): 717-727.

[2] Xuejun Hu, Nanfang Cui, Erik Demeulemeester. Effective expediting to improve project due date and cost performance through buffer management. International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(5):1460-1471

[3] Li Bie, Nanfang Cui and Xiaoming Zhang. Buffer sizing approach with dependence assumption between activities in critical chain scheduling[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2012,50(24): 7343-7356