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Chen Zongjian

Associate Professor

Department of Production and Operations Management and Logistics

Research Interests:
Operations Strategy, General Management Theories, Behavioral Operations, etc
Phone: 13667299052
Email: chenzjem@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2010.

M.E. (Majored in Management Engineering), HUST, 1990.

B.E. (Majored in Computational Mathematics), Wuhan University , 1982.

Courses Taught

Operations Management, Modern Management Theories and Methods, Facility Location and Layout, etc.

Research Interests

Operations Strategy, General Management Theories, Behavioral Operations, etc.

Representative Research Papers

1)Research on Mechanism of the Law of Trade-offs Based on Holographic paradigm. China Soft Science, 2012, No.4, 177-187.(with Chen R.) (in Chinese)

2)The Model of Optimal Price and Delivery Lead Time with Capacity Expansion Cost. Chinese Journal of Management, 2010, Vol.7, No.10, 1548-1552.(with Xiong W. & Chen R.) (in Chinese)

3)Time Performance Frontiers and Time-based Competition. Proceedings - International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2009. (with Chen R.) (EI)

4)Research on Pricing Strategies in Time-based Competition, Price: Theory & Practice, 2008, No.1,77-78. (in Chinese)