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Fang, Lingyun

Assistant Professor

Department of Management Science and Information Management

Research Interests:
Information Resources Management, Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence
Phone: +86-27-87543842
Email: fangly00@sina.com


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST

  M.E. (Majored in Automation), Wuhan University of Technology

  B.E. (Majored in Automation), HUST

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Visiting Scholar as Postdoctoral, University of Marburg, Germany, Oct.2006-Oct.2007.

  Teaching Experiences

  Management Information Syatem, Electronic Commerce, Computer aided

  Management, etc.

  Research Interests

  Information Resources Management, Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence

  Representative Research Papers

  1) Fang lingyun,Research on Knowledge Expanding System within Enterprise Based on

  Knowledge Process, Science&Technology Progress and Policy, 2010.Vol(27).No.9:138-1

  41(in Chinese)

  2) Fang lingyun. Empirical research on customer value evaluation in B2C electronic

  commerce company. International Conference on E-Business and Information System

  Security, 2009. IEEE:118-121.(EI Compendex)

  3) Fang lingyun.Personalized Knowledge Push Service in Network Autonomous Learning System,2008,5:145-148(in Chinese)

  4) Fang lingyun. Operation and Management of Virtual Enterprise, Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press,2008(in Chinese)

  5) Fang lingyun. Research on the Creation and Interaction of Group Knowledge in Enterprise.Science and Research Management,2003.Vol(24).2:32-35

  6) Fang lingyun. Method and Measurement of Knowledge Gain and Drain among Enterprise.Science and Research Management, 2001.Vol(22).1:74-78