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Huang Weilai

Associate Professor

Department of Management Science

Research Interests:
Logistics and Supply Chain Management,Decision Theory and Methods,Business and Economic Statistics Analysis,Project Risk Management,etc
Phone: +86-27-87558202
Email: huangwl@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 1998.

M.E. (Majored in Management Engineering), HUST, 1995.

B.E. (Majored in Mechanical Engineering), Central South University of Forestry and Technology, 1985.

Courses Taught

Operations Research, Data Models and Decisions,Decision Analysis, etc.

Consulting Activities

Wuhan Yingfan Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan Yalan Hospitals, etc.

Research Interests

Logistics and Supply Chain Management,Decision Theory and Methods,Business and Economic Statistics Analysis,Project Risk Management,etc.

Representative Research Papers

1) Solving fuzzy multi-objective linear programming problems using deviation degree measures and weighted max-min method. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING,2013,37(10-11):6855-6869. (with Huang, Weilai; Zhou, Quan) (SCI)

2) Identifying critical success factors in emergency management using a fuzzy DEMATEL method, Safety Science, 2011, Vol.49, No. 2, 243-252 (with Zhou Q. & Zhang Y.) (SCI)

3) Advance order strategies: Effects on competition structure in a two-echelon supply chain. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2010, Vol.34, No.9, 2465-2476. (with Cai J., Wang L., Han Y. & Zhou G.) (SSCI)

4) An effective genetic algorithm for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problems. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2009, Vol.45, No.3, 434-445. (with Liu S. & Ma H.) (SSCI)

5) A New Approach for Patent Information Analysis:Patent Map Based on XML Schema. Journal of Intelligence, 2010, No.9, 59-63. (with Zhou Q.& Zhang Y.) (in Chinese)

6) Study on Order Tactics of Seasonal Products under Multi-Retailer Competition. Chinese Journal of Management, 2010,No.7, 1070-1074.( with Cai J.& Zhou G.) (in Chinese)

7) Improved ranking method of triangular fuzzy number complementary judgment matrix. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2007,No.7, 1090-1093. (EI) (with Huang S.) (in Chinese)

8) An Inventory Model for Items with Weibull Distribution Deterioration Rate, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2007, No.2, 72-75, (with Huang S.) (in Chinese)