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He, Yuanqiong


Department of Business Management


Research Interests:
Service oriented transformation in manufacturing companies, Corporate social responsibility, product innovation, brand management
Phone: 18971560292
Email: heyuanqiong@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Business Administration), HUST, 2006.

M.E. (Majored in Business Administration), HUST, 2003.

B.E. (Majored in Marketing), HUST, 2000.

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Scholar, University of Western Ontario, Canada, Jan. 2010- Jan. 2011.

Senior Research Associate, Research fellow, City University of Hong Kong, Oct.2009- now.


Courses Taught

Marketing, Strategic Management, Product Management

 Industrial Experiences

Consulting Activities: Jiangsu Hongsheng Heat Exchanger Ltd. Co., Wuhan Steel Group, Kingdream Public Limited Company

Research Interests

Service oriented transformation in manufacturing companies, Product and Service innovation, Corporate social responsibility, brand management, consumer behavior


Representative Research Papers

Yuanqiong He, Hongyi Sun, Wenbin Ni and Stephen Ng. Reexamining the impacts of supplier integration on operational performance: a relational view. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2017, forthcoming

Yuanqiong He, Hongyi Sun and Yun Chen. The relationship between cross functional knowledge management practices and new product development. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2016, 28(9): 1095-1107

Xiuhao Ding,Yuanqiong He, Jiang Wang, Cheng Chen. Effects of positive incentive and negative incentive in knowledge transfer: Carrot and Stick. Chinese Management Studies, 2016, 10(3): 593-614.

Yuanqiong He, Hongyi Sun, Kin Keung Lai and Yun Chen. Organizational empowerment and service strategy in manufacturing.Service Business, 2015, 9(3): 445-462.

Yuanqiong He, Xiuhao Ding and Kunpeng Yang.Unpacking the relationships between conflicts and team innovation: Empirical evidence from China.Management Decision, 2014, 52(8): 1533-1548.

Yuanqiong Heand Kin Keung Lai. The effect of corporate social responsibility on brand loyalty: the mediating role of brand image.Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2014, 25(3/4): 249-263.

Yuanqiong He, Kin Keung Lai, Hongyi Sun and Yun Chen. The impact of supplier integration on customer integration and new product performance: The mediating role of manufacturing flexibility under trust theory.International Journal of Production Economics, 2014, 147(Part B): 260-270.

Yuanqiong Heand Kin Keung Lai. Supply chain integration and service oriented transformation: Evidence from Chinese equipment manufacturers.International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 135: 791-799.

Yuanqiong He, Kin Keung Lai and Yagang Lu. Linking organizational support to employee commitment: evidence from hotel industry of China.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2011, 22(1):197-217.

Yuanqiong He, Wenli Li, Kin Keung Lai. Service climate, employee commitment and customer satisfaction: Evidence from the hospitality industry in China.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2011, 23(5): 592-607.

Yuanqiong Heand Zhilong Tian. Government-Oriented Corporate Public Relation Strategies in Transitional China.Management and Organization Review, 2008, 4(3): 367-391.

Yuanqiong He,Zhilong Tian and Yun Chen.Performance implications of nonmarket strategy in China.Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2007, 24:151-169.