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Long Xiaofeng

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Management

Research Interests:
Consumer Behavior, Corporate Social Responsibility, Integrated Marketing Communications, etc
Phone: +86-27-87542754
Email: xflong@hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Enterprise Management), HUST, 2010.

M.E. (Majored in Industrial Economics), Hubei Academy of Social Science, 2001.

B.E. (Majored in Accounting), Zhongnan University, 1998.

Courses Taught

Brand Management, Business Communication and Negotiation, ERP Simulation Experience, Public Relations, etc.

Awards and Honors

The First Prize of Teaching Contest of HUST, 2014.

The Outstanding Awards of Teaching Achievement of Higher Education in Hubei Province, 2013.

Industrial Experiences

Consulting Activities: Hubei Konson Konjac Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou New & Shop Shopping Plaza Co., Ltd., Wuhan Yian Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.

Research Interests

Consumer Behavior, Corporate Social Responsibility, Integrated Marketing Communications, etc.

Representative Research Papers

1)Consumer Normative Rationality’ Denotation and Connotation and The Relationship Between Normative Rationality and Consumer Behavior, Journal of Marketing Science, Vol. 7, No 1, March 2011: 35-52.(with Tian Z., Yang W & Wang R.) (in Chinese)

2)Cause-related Behavior: Comparison of Consumer Goods Corporations and Industrial Goods Corporations, 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, Wuhan, Aug 2010. (with Tian Z.) (EI, Compendex)

3)The Consumer Behavior under the Influence of Normative of Rationality, Journal of Hunan University ( Social Science Edition), 2010, No.5, 69-73.(with Tian Z.) (in Chinese)

4)Social Norms Influencing Chinese Consumer Behavior and Consumer Perception of Them---- An exploratory study on consumer normative rationality, 2010 Annual Conference of Journal of Marketing Science(JMS), Beijing, Aug 2010.(with Tian Z., Yang W & Wang R.) (in Chinese)

5)Comparison of Effectiveness of Different Cultivation Mode of Customer Relationship in C2C E-commerce contexts, Wuhan University Journal(Humanity Science Edition ), 2009, Vol.62, No.3-1, 182-186.(with Peng Q.) (in Chinese)

6)CSR Reports: A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Commercial Bank, Wuhan Finance Monthly, 2008, No.8, 34-36. (with Yang S.) (in Chinese)