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Liu Zhixue


Department of Operations & Logistics Management

Research Interests:
Strategic Logistics Planning, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Logistics, TPL, etc
Phone: +86-27-87556465
Email: lsy868@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2000.

M.E. (Majored in Management Engineering), HUST, 1991.

B.E. (Majored in Goods Management Engineering), HUST, 1986.

Overseas Visiting and Training

Senior Visiting Scholar, HEC Montreal, Canada, Jan. 1999-Aug. 1999.

Unmiversity Logistics Education Visiting Program, MIT, GIT, USA, Oct. 2010.

Logistics Alliance Research Program, NUS, Singapore, Nov.-Dec. 2013.

Courses Taught

Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management, Third-party Logistics, etc.

Industrial Experiences

Vice Chairman of Logistics Teaching in Colleges and Universities Steering Committee, 2013-Present

Standing Member of Chinese Logistics Society, 2008-Present

Management Consultant, China Logistics Company, 2008-Present

Management Consultant, Wugang Logistics Co. Ltd., 2013- Present

Research Interests

Strategic Logistics Planning, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Logistics, TPL, etc.

Representative Research Papers

1)Factor screening for simulation with multiple response: Sequential bifurcation. European Journal of Operational Research, 2014,Vol. 237: 136-147. (with Shi W., Kleijnen J.P.C.) (SCI)

2)Model and algorithm for an unpaired pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem with split loads. Transportation Research Part E, 2014,Vol. 69: 218-235. (with Chen Q.F., Li K.P.) (SCI)

3)Multi-criteria robust design of a JIT-based cross-docking distribution center for an auto parts supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 2013,Vol. 229: 695-706. (with Shi W., Shang J.) (SCI)

4)Key factors of parts logistics for milk-run and cross-docking system: Design and analysis of simulation experiments mwthods. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2013,Vol.16, No. 6: 22-34. (with Shi W., Liu D.) (in Chinese)

5) Configuration of flexibility strategies under supply uncertainty. Omega, 2015,Vol.51: 71-82. (with Xu H., Zuo X.L.) (SCI)