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Li, Changjiang


Department of Business Management

Research Interests:
Marketing Planning, Service Marketing, Customization Marketing Optimization, Marketing of Non-profit Making Organization, Logistic Optimizing, etc.
Phone: +86-27-87556454
Email: lcj77@mail.hust.edu.cn


  B.E. (Majored in Hydro Machine), HUST, 1977.

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto, Canada, Aug. 1994-Mar. 1995.

  Courses Taught

  Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Merchandising, Logistics Management, etc.

  Industrial Experiences

  Part-time Professor, University of Wales.

  Director & Part-time Professor, China Marketing.

  Marketing Consultant, Fortune Electronic Co., Ltd.,(Taiwan Owned)

  Marketing Consultant, Wuhan Gin Long Co., Ltd.

  Consultant, Wuhan Wonderful Electric Power Co., Ltd.

  Consulting Activities: DongFeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co., Ltd, Guangxi Electric Power Company, Wuhan Blood Center, Guilin Electric Power Company, China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation, etc.

  Research Interests

  Marketing Planning, Service Marketing, Customization Marketing Optimization, Marketing of Non-profit Making Organization, Logistic Optimizing, etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1) Higher education management in marketing perspective, Journal of Higher Education,2005(8).(with Heng C.)(in Chinese)

  2)Methodology of linking customer acquisition with customer retention,Journal Of Huazhong University Of Science And Technology(Nature Science),2002(10), Vol.30,No.10,105-107. (with Lun T.& Yingfei W.)(in Chinese)

  3)The Trust Mechanism among Enterprises in Supply Chain, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2005(2),Vol.10,No.2,89-91. (with Jin X.& Fan S.)(in Chinese)

  4)The Optimization Analysis of Customization Degree under MC Paradigm, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2006(1),Vol.11,No.1,6-9.(with Heng C.) (in Chinese)

  5)Models of Key Customization Technologies, Industrial Engineering and Management, 2007(3), Vol.12,No.3,37-39.(with Nan Z.)(in Chinese)