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Li Xiaoyan


Department of Management Science & Information Management

Research Interests:
Electronic Commerce, Information Management, etc.
Email: xiaoyan_li@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D.(Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2012.

M.E. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2002.

B.E. (Majored in Information Management), HUST, 1998.

Courses Taught

C++ Language Program, Database Management and Its Optimization, Management Information System, ERP Experiment, etc.

Research Interests

Electronic Commerce, Information Management, etc.

Representative Research Papers

1)Li Xiaoyan, Zhang Zigang, Zhang Yishi. A Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Recommender Integrated k-means Clustering and Supervised Feature Selection. Chinese Journal of Management, 2013, 10(9):1362-1367. (in Chinese)

2)Li Xiaoyan, Zhang Zigang, Zhang Yishi, Zhang Mi. KL-divergence Based Feature Selection Algorithm with the separate-class Strategy. Computer Science, 2012, 39 (12): 224-227. (in Chinese)

3)Li Xiaoyan, Zhou Xingchi, Yin Haina. The Research on Feature Selection Applied in the Collaborative Filtering Algorithm, Value Engineering, 2012, 31 (6):182-184. (in Chinese)

4)Xiaoyan Li, Yang Huang, Shujuan Li and Yishi Zhang. Hybrid Retention Strategy Formulation in Telecom Based on k-means Clustering Analysis. 2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, 2011. (EI Index)