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Mai, Yiyuan


Department of Technological Management and Intellectual Property

Research Interests:
Entrepreneurship Small and Medium Enterprise Technology Management
Phone: +86-27-87556477
Email: maiyiyuan@mail.hust.edu.cn


  Ph.D. (Majored in Business Administration), Business School of Nankai University, 2001.

  M.E. (Majored in Business Administration), South-Central University for Nationalities, 1998.

  B.E. (Majored in Business Administration), South-Central University for Nationalities, 1995.

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Visiting Scholar, University of Bath, UK, Jan. 2006- Dec. 2006.

  Teaching Entrepreneurial Thought and Action (TETA),Babson College, USA, March, 2012

  Courses Taught


  Managerial Economics

  Introduction to Management

  Research Interests


  Small and Medium Enterprise

  Management of Technology

  Representative Research Papers

  (1) Yiyuan Mai, How On-the-job Embeddedness influences New Venture Creation and Growth, Journal of Small Business Management (SSCI), Forthcoming. (with Y Zheng.)

  (2) Yiyuan Mai, The Mobility of Nascent Entrepreneur’s Social Capital and Venture Gestation, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 2010.2(with X Gu. & Q Ye)

  (3) Yiyuan Mai, Venture Capitalists’ Herd Behavior: Theoretical Analysis of Chinese Venture Capital Market, Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol.4,No.1, 2010,107-127(with Li Y. & W Hu. & Z Li)

  (4) Yiyuan Mai,Entrepreneurial opportunities, capacities and entrepreneurial environments: Evidence from Chinese GEM data, Chinese Management Studies. Vol.1, No.4, 2007,(with Z Gan.)

  (5) Yiyuan Mai, The Driven Motivation for Innovative Entrepreneurship, Science Research Management, Vol.31, No.5, 2010, 9(with S Zhou)(in Chinese)

  (6) Yiyuan Mai, How Job Embeddednedd Influences New Venture Creation by High-tech Employees, Nankai Business Review, Vol.12,No.2,2009,67-74(with S Zhou.& L Mei.) (in Chinese)

  (7) Yiyuan Mai, Will Work Experience Certainly Help the Entrepreneurial Process: Analysis of Work-based Embedded,Nankai Business Review, No.2, 2011, 144 -149(with X Gu) (in Chinese)