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Ma Shihua


Department of Business Administration

Research Interests:
Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management
Phone: +86-27-87556485
Email: shihuama@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Technology), Huazhong University of Science and Technology , 1995

M.E. (Majored in Management Science and Technology), Huazhong University of Science and Technology , 1990.

B.E. (Majored in Mechanical Enginerring), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1982

Overseas Visiting and Training

Visiting Scholar, Toronto University, Canada,1994-Aug.-1995-May.

Courses Taught

Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management.

Industrial Experiences

Management Consultant, Lanesync Supply Chain management Co., Ltd., 2010-Present,

Consulting Activities: supply chain management in Fenshen Automobile Co., Ltd.; Guizhou Westen Teapark supply chain management planning; Land Port Logistics center feasibility and operations model; Haicang Logistics park development planning for Sinotrans Xiamen; etc.

Research Interests

Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management

Representative Research Papers

1)Shihua Ma, Z. Yin, X. Guan. The role of spot market in a decentralised supply chain under random yield, International Journal of Production Research, 2013, 51(21), pp 6410-6434 (SCI)

2)Zhe Yin, Shihua Ma. Incentives to improve the service level in a random yield supply chain: The role of bonus contracts. European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 244(3): 778–791. (SCI)

3)Shihua Ma, Danfeng Ying, Xu Guan, Kun Huang, Managing inventory through (Q, r) policy for a VMI programme with freshness clause, Int. J. Applied Management Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, PP129-143,2013

4)Ma Shihu,Lin Yong, Supply Chain Management(4th Edition), Mechanical Industry Press,2014