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Tian, Zhilong


Department of Business Management

Research Interests:
Business Environment and corporate Strategies; Corporate non-market strategies and action; Marketing Research and strategies
Phone: +86-27-87556482; 13607161429
Email: zltian@hust.edu.cn


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 1998.

  M.E.(MBA), Faculty of Management, University of Toronto, Canada, 1989.

  B.E. Wuhan University of Science and Technology, P.R.China, 1982

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Visiting Faculty of Management, McGill University and HEC, University of Montreal; Participate in 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal ,August, 2010.

  Participation in Case Writing and Course Designing (CWCD) program, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Jan. 2009.

  Participation in Programs on Case methods and Participants Centered Learning (PCMPCL), hold in Harvard Business School, Boston, July to Aug. 2000.

  Research visit to India on the topic “The development of India pharmaceutical Industry”, sponsored by Asian Scholarship Foundation of Ford Foundation, and visit Management Development Institute;Panjab University; Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Feb. to Aug.2007,

  Visiting University of Maryland and participate in the 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, , Atlanta, with one paper receiving reward“Best selected paper” July to Aug. 2006.

  Participation in the Orientation Program of Cohort 8 Asian Scholars and 2006 Annual Conference of Asian Scholars, Asian Scholarship Foundation of Ford Foundation, Bankok, Thailand, July,2006.

  Participation in The Fourth Marketing Scholars Forum, University of Hong Kong June, 2006, Hong Kong.

  Academic visit to Chaoyang university of Technology; Mingdao school of Management, Taiwan, May 1-15, 2006.

  Academic visit to Taiwan Central University, Taiwan, September 29 – October 10, 2005.

  Cooperative research on business activities of New Zealand firms in China, University of Otago, New Zealand, July to August, 2004;

  Lecture on International business and Chinese context, School of Business, Antilles- Guyane, Guadeloupe, France, February to March, 2003.

  Research visit, HEC, University of Montreal,Canada, March to May, 2001;

  Academic visit, University of Otago , New Zealand, February, 2000;

  Research seminar, Business School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, July, 1999;

  Research visit, with professor M. Gordon and Yue Li, Rotman school of management, University of Toronto, Canada, January to July, 1996.

  MBA,Faculty of Management, University of Toronto, Canada, September, 1987 to June, 1989.

  Courses Taught

  Strategic Management; Theory of Management; Theory of Strategic Management; Basics of Management.

  Industrial Experiences

  Independent Director, Board of Directors, Beijing Eastdawn Information Technology Co. Ltd(2010-)

  Independent Director, Board of Directors, Hubei LHTC-counterfeit Technology Co. Ltd(2010-)

  Independent Director, Board of Directors, Wuhan Jianmin Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd(2001-2007)

  President (2010-), Vice president(2001-), Hubei Academy of Marketing

  Member, National Advisory Committee for Education of Business Administration, Ministry of Education, China,2006-2010;

  Member of Academy of Management (AOM); International Association of Chinese Management Researchers (IACMR)

  Member of editoral boards of INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT; JOURNAL OF MARKETING SCIENCE( in Chinese); CHINESE JOURNAL OF MANAGEMEMT(in Chinese); Strategic Management (in Chinese)

  Consultant to QiaoKou District Government, Wuhan (2002-2006)

  Consulting Activities: Kingdream Public co. Ltd (2003-2004); Wuhan Jianmin Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd(2005-2007); Wuhan Iron& Steel Co. Ltd(2004-2005); China Telecom in Hubei(2005-2006); Hubie Heibao Sports Co. Ltd (2003-2004).

  Research Interests

  Business Environment and corporate Strategies; Corporate non-market strategies and action; Marketing Research and strategies

  Representative Publications (In English Journals)

  Tian, Zhilong, Rui Wang. Consumer responses to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Journal of Business Ethics, Accepted, Online (SSCI)

  Tian, Zhilong and Taieb Hafsi, Wu Wei. Institutional determinism and political strategies: an empirical investigation. Business and Society, 2009,Vol. 48, Iss. 3:284-(SSCI)

  He, Yuanqiang and Zhilong Tian . Government- oriented corporate public relation strategies in transitional China. Management and Organizational Review, Vol 4, iss 3, 2008:367-392(SSCI)

  Tian, Zhilong and Haitao Gao, Malcolm Cone. The ethical issues in businessmen participating polictics” Journal of Business Ethics , 2008, Vol80(3): 627-640(SSCI)

  He, Yuanqiong and Zhilong Tian. Performance implications of nonmarket strategy in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2007, Vol. 24(2):151-170

  Hafsi, Taieb and Zhilong Tian. Towards a Theory of Large Scale Institutional Change Management: The Chinese Electricity Industry from 1980to 2002. Long Range Planning, Vol. 27, Iss 4, 2005: 555-(SSCI)

  Jundong Hou, Lanying Du, Zhilong Tian. The effects of nonprofit brand equity on individual giving intention: mediating by the self-concept of individual donor.International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 2009. Vol. 14, Iss. 3: 215

  Tian, Zhilong and Shuai Fan. The Public Issue Life Cycle and Corporate Political Actions in Chinese Transitional Environment: A Case of Real Estate Industry. Journal of Public Affairs , 2008, 8:135-151

  Tian, Zhilong and Fan, Shuai. Competitive Interaction: A study of Corporate Market and Nonmarket Behaviors in Chinese Transitional environment. Journal of China Business and Tradestudies, 2008, Vol. 1(1): 36-48

  Gao, Hai-tao and Zhilong Tian A Study on the Determinants of Chinese Corporate Non-Market Action. Frontiers of Business Research In China, 2008, Vol. (2):303-321

  Tian, Zhilong and Xingming Deng. The Determinants of Corporate Political Strategy in Chinese Transition. Journal of Public Affairs, issue 4, 2007 (Wiley Interscience)

  Gao, Yongqiang and Zhilong Tian. How firms influence government policy decision -making in China. Singapore Management review, 2006, Vol 28, No 1:73-85(ABI/Inform Global)

  Tian, Zhilong and Yuanqiang He. The pricing behavior of firms in Chinese iron and steel industry. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics , Vol 17, No 4, 2005

  Stark, Anna and Kim-Shyan Fam, David S Waller,Zhilong Tian. Chinese negotiation Practice: A Perspective from New Zealand Exporters. Cross Cultural Management. 2005. Vol. 12, Iss. 3; p. 85

  Cone, Malcolm and Zhilong Tian, Andre Evertt. Property right in common, from communes to town and village enterprises in rural China. Journal of International Business and Economy,Fall, 2002: 87-104