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Tan Zhijia

Associate Professo

Department of Operations & Logistics Management

Research Interests:
Transportation planning and management, Transportation and logistics system modelling and analysis, Infrastructure franchising, etc.
Email: zjatan@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Transportation Engineering and Transportation Economics), The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, 2010.

M.S. (Majored in Operations Research & Control Theory), Fudan University, 2005.

B.S. (Majored in Applied Mathematics), Chinese University of Geosciences, 2000.

Overseas Visiting and Training

Research Assistant, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Oct. 2006-July. 2007

Research Associate, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Oct. 2011-Jan. 2012

Courses Taught

Transportation Management, Introduction to Transportation System, etc.

Industrial Experiences

MRP of Henan’s Tabaco Company, Distribution system planning of Hubei’s Tabaco Company; Port investment analysis of Wuhan’s New Port

Research Interests

Transportation planning and management, Transportation and logistics system modelling and analysis, Infrastructure franchising, etc.

Representative Research Papers

1)Zhijia Tan*, Wan Li, Xiaoning Zhang, Hai Yang. Impact of user heterogeneity on road franchising. Transportation Research Part E, 2015 76, 13-33. (SCI,SSCI)

2)Zhijia Tan, Hai Yang*, Pareto efficiency of reliability-based traffic equilibria and risk-taking behavior of travelers. Transportation Research Part B 2014 66 16-31. (SCI,SSCI)

3)Zhijia Tan*, Hai Yang. Flexible BOT contracts for road franchising under demand uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B, 2012 46(10), 1419-1439. (SCI,SSCI)

4)Zhijia Tan,Hai Yang, Xiaolei Guo. Pareto efficient contracts and regulations for road franchising. Transportation Research B, 2010 44(4), 415-433. (SCI,SSCI)

5)Zhijia Tan*. Capacity and toll choice of an add-on toll road under various ownership regimes. Transportation Research Part E, 2012 48(6), 1080-1092. (SCI,SSCI)

6)Zhijia Tan, Hai Yang*. Impact of user heterogeneity on road franchising. Transportation Research Part E, 2012 48(5), 958-975. (SCI,SSCI)