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Wang, Yali

Associate Professor

Department of Technological Management and Intellectual Property

Research Interests:
S&T management, Technical Innovation, S&T Indicator
Phone: +86-27-87556438
Email: wangyl@mail.hust.edu.cn


  B.E. (Majored in Optical Instrument), Wuhan University, 1982.

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Training Program, Queensland University, Australia, Jan.-Feb. 1995.

  The R&D Management Conference, New Zealand, Feb. 2001.

  International S&T Indicators Conference 2002, Karlsruher University, Germany, Sep. 2002.

  The Fourth Ad hoc Meeting on Biotechnology Statistics, OECD, Paris, May-June 2004.

  Training Program, Canada Bureau, Oct. 2005.

  NSF Program, Brandeis University, USA, July 2007.

  The Sixth Ad hoc Meeting on Biotechnology Statistics, OECD, Paris, May 2008.

  The 11th International Conference on S&T Indicators, Leiden University, Netherlands, Sep. 2010.

  Courses Taught

  Industrial Experiences

  Research Interests

  S&T management, Technical Innovation, S&T Indicator

  Representative Research Papers

  1)Wang Yali & Yang Hongjin, The obtainment of technology in the industrialization of high technology and ist competitive power, Science Research Management, 2002, Vol.23,No.1,42-45.

  2)Wang Yali, China Science and Technology Indicators 2006,Chapter 4, Science and Technical Documents Publishing House, Beijing, 2007, August, 52-64.

  3)Wang Yali & Xu yongchang, The manual of S&T Statistics, Science and Technical Documents Publishing House, Beijing, 2008,may

  4)Wang Yali, Liu Shumei etc., Classification and codes of socio-economic objectives (GB T24450-2009), 2009, October.