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Wang Qiuhong

Associate Professor

Department of Management Science and Information Management

Research Interests:
Economics of Information System (areas including information security, pricing, healthcare)
Email: qhwang@mail.hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Information Systems), National University of Singapore, 2006.

M.E. (Majored in Engineering), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Computing, 2001.

B.E. (Majored in Engineering and Finance), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Computing, School of Management, 1998.

Overseas Working Experienace

2007.4~2009.7: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National University of Singapore

2006.8~2007.4: Analyst in Consulting Workforce, Accenture Singapore


Managerial Economics, Information Strategy and Management, Management Research Methodology,Frontier of Management Information Systems

Industry Experiences

Big data analytics in telecommunication industry and healthcare industry

Academic Service

Associate Editor for Journal of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

Research Interests

Economics of Information System (areas including information security, pricing, healthcare)

Representative Research Papers

•“The Deterrent and Displacement Effects of Information Security Enforcement: International Evidence”, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 25 No. 2, Fall 2008, 125-144. Ivan Png,Chen-yu Wang and Qiu-Hong Wang.

•“Information Security: User Precautions vis-à-vis Enforcement against Attackers”, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 26 No. 2, Fall 2009, 97-122. Ivan Png and Qiu-Hong Wang (通讯作者).

•“Delayed Product Introduction”, Decision Support Systems, 53(4), 870-880. Qiu-Hong Wang and Kai-Lung Hui.

•“A Comparative Study of Cyber Attacks”, Communications of the ACM, (March 2012) Vol.55, No.3 66-73. Seung-Hyun Kim, Qiu-Hong Wang (通讯作者) and Johannes Ullrich.

•“The Determinants of Monetary Value of Virtual Goods: An Empirical Study for A Cross-Section of MMORPGs”, Information Systems Frontier, July 2013, Vol.15, No. 3, pp 481-495. Qiu-Hong Wang, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Xue Yang.