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Wang Haijun


Department of Management Science and Engineering

Research Interests:
Production and Operations Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Phone: +86-27-87558540
Email: h.wang@hust.edu.cn


Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2003

M.Sc. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), China University of Geosciences, 2000

Overseas Visiting and Training

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology,USA, March 2006-March 2007

Courses Taught

Operations Management, Service Supply Chain Management, Warehousing Management

Industrial Experiences

Purchaser and Deputy Marketing Manager. East China Division, Sinopec. 1991-1998.

Consulting Activities

Hubei Xinchufeng Corporation Limited.

Research Interests

Production and Operations Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Representative Research Papers

1.Wang H, Du L, Ma S. Multi-objective open location-routing model with split delivery for optimized relief distribution in post-earthquake. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2014, 69: 160-179

2. Wang Haijun, Wang Jing, Ma Shihua. Decision-making for Emergency Materials Dynamic Dispatching Based on Fuzzy Demand and Supply. China Management Science.2014, 22(001): 55-64 (In Chinese)

3.Wang Haijun,Wang Jing,Zheng Ding, Ma Shihua. Depot Selection Problems for Multiple Emergency Materials with Transportation Capacity Constraint. Journal of Management Engineering, 2013 (4): 156-160 (In Chinese)

4.Wang Haijun, Liu Chang, Wang Jing. Stochastic Optimization Models for Emergency Suppliers Location and Allocation.Chinese Journal of Management, 2013, 10(10): 1507-1511(In Chinese)