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Yuan, Jianguo


Department of Accounting

Research Interests:
Accounting standards, Corporate Finance police, Accounting Infoemation Disclosure, Corporate Intercontrol , etc.
Email: yuanjg1962@163.com


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 2003.

  M.E. (Majored in Accounting), Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 1991.

  B.E. (Majored in Financial), Hubei University of Economics, 1982.

  Courses Taught

  Accounting Principles, Financial Accounting, Advanced Financial Accounting, Financial Accounting Theory, etc.

  Industrial Experiences

  Independent Director, Baoshang Bank Co., Ltd., 2007-Present

  Advanced Consultant, Neimeng Lixin Dahua CPA Co. Ltd., 2008-Present.

  Executive member of the council ,Accounting Association of Hubei Province. 2004-Present.

  Member of the council ,Auditing Association of Hubei Province. 2007-Present.

  Executive member of the council, Accounting Association of Wuhan. 2008-Present.

  Research Interests

  Accounting standards, Corporate Finance police, Accounting Infoemation Disclosure, Corporate Intercontrol , etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1)Accounting Information Quality, Free Cash Flow and Overinvestment: A Chinese Study.The Business Review, Cambridge.2008, Decembe.Vol. 11 , Num. 1 ,159-166. (with Jiang Y.) (ABI/INFORM(ProQuest))

  2)The Effects of Managerial Compensation and Market Competition on Financial Fraud in Public Companies:An Empirical Study in China.International Journal of Management,Jun 2008.Vol.25,No.2,322-334. (with Yuan C.) ( ABI/INFORM Global)

  3)How to Improve China\'s Enterprise Internal Control System: Based on the Perspective of Corporate Governance.The Business Review, Cambridge,Summer 2007;Vol.7,No.2,91-97. (with Yuan C.)(ABI/INFORM Global)

  4)The Joint Effect of Competition and Managerial Ownership on Voluntary Disclosure: The Case of China. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge,Sep 2007,Vol.11,No. 2,83-90. (with Xiao H.)(ABI/INFORM Global)

  5)Ownership structure, board composition and corporate voluntary disclosure: Evidence from listed Companies in China. Managerial Auditing Journal,Vol. 22, No. 6, 2007,pp. 604-619. (with Xiao H.) (ABI/INFORM(ProQuest))

  6)Firm Value, Managerial Confidence, And Investments:The Case of China.Journal of Leadship studies, Volume 2, Number 3, 2008,26-36. (with Ye B.)

  7)Behavioral Study on Corporate Investment: A Survey,Accounting Resaerch,2007,12,76-81. (with Ye B. ) (in Chinese)

  8)Research on the Relation between Accounting Information Quality and Over-investment,Chinese Journal of Management, Mar.2009, Vol.6, No.3, 368-372. (with Jiang Y. & Cai Y.) (in Chinese)