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Yang, Hongjin

Assistant Professor

Department of Technological Management and Intellectual Property

Research Interests:
Technological innovation, S&T index and S&T management, etc.
Phone: +86-27-87556439
Email: yanghj@hust.edu.cn


  Master\'s degree (Majored in Technological Economy), Hehai University, 1997.

  University degree (Majored in Compute Software), Hankou Branch of HUST, 1982.

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  STMI Program, University Giessen, Germany , Jan.-Feb. 2010.

  Courses Taught

  Management Information System, Computer Aided Management, etc.

  Research Interests

  Technological innovation, S&T index and S&T management, etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1) Quantitative method and model for forecasting R&D expenditures in China, Research Evaluation, Vol. 14 Number 1 April 2005, 51-56 (with Cheng B., He R. and Yang J.)

  2) An analysis on configuration of R&D human resource in China, Science Research Management, 2005, Vol. 26, No.2, 96-103.(with Zhou S.) (in Chinese)

  3) Research on convert method of R&D data at statistics of R&D institutions, Statistical Research, 2002, No.2, 30-32. (in Chinese)

  4) The obtainment of technology in the industrialization of high technology and its competitive power, Science Research Management, 2002, Vol. 23, No.1, 42-45. (with Wang Y.) (in Chinese)

  5) Empirical research on evaluation index of technology innovation capability at enterprise, Statistical Research, 1998, No.1, 53-58. (in Chinese)