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Zhu, Yingjun


Department of Business Management

Research Interests:
Performance Management, Compensation Management, Organizational Design, Error Management Culture, Stock-Based Compensation, etc.
Phone: +86-27-87556474
Email: zhuyingjun@mail.hust.edu.cn


  Ph.D. (Majored in Economics), Nagoya University, 2001-2005.

  Ph.D. (Majored in Management), HUST, 1998-2002.

  M.E. (Majored in Management Engineering), HUST, 1994-1997.

  B.E. (Majored in Management Engineering), College of Zhenjiang Ship Industry, 1985-1989.

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Visiting Scholar, Taiwan University;Taiwan University of Science & Technology,Taiwan, Dec. 2012.

  Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, USA, Sept.-Dec.2012

  Visiting Scholar, City University, Hong kong, Jan. 2011.

  Ph.D. Program, University of Nagoya, Japan, Oct. 2000-Mar. 2005.

  Courses Taught

  Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Organization Design and Job Analysis, etc.

  Industrial Experiences

  Management Consultant, Hubei Quanzhou Group, 2007-2010.

  Consulting Activities: Hubei Quanzhou Group, Hubei Changjiang Publishing Group Co., Ltd., etc.

  Research Interests

  Performance Management, Compensation Management, Organizational Design, Error Management Culture, Stock-Based Compensation, etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  [1] The Impact of Performance Appraisal Orientation on Information Ethics Behavior of Public Servant. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (JDCTA). Volume 5, Number 5, May 31, 279-284. 2011. (EI:20112314047111)

  [2]Empirical Resaerch on the Relation between Organization Ethical Climateand Information Ethical Behavior. Journal of Intelligence. Vol.30 (3), 202-207. 2011.(with Huang Yaojia) (in Chinese)

  [3] The Research on Influence of Error Management Culture on Organizational Learning and Individual Innovation. The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2011). Volume 10. 9215-9220.2011.(with Zhang Kun) (EI:20112914159132)

  [4] The Research on Influence of Error Management Culture on Organizational Performance:Organizational Innovation as an intervening variable. Science & Technology Progress and Policy. Vol. 28 (16), 1-4. 2011.(with Bai Tao) (in Chinese)

  [5] Comments and Countermeasures for Development Potential of New Energy Industry in Henan Province. The 2011 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME 2011). vol.06, 91-93, 2011.(with Runfeng Yin)

  [6]An Inter-enterprise Information System (IEIS) Design for a Zero Time Enterprise (ZTE), 2009 Proceedings of International Conference on Strategic Management,pp.465-471. (with Liu Aihua) (CPCI-SSH)

  [7]Research on the Information Flow Model for a Zero Time Enterprise (ZTE), The East Asian Economic Review Vol. 3, pp. 1-16,2006. (with Chen Rongqiu & Hu Bei)

  [8]Modeling and Analyzing the Structure and Process of Virtual Enterprise (VE) Based on the View of Loosely Coupled System (LCS), The Economic Science (Japan), Vol. 52, No.4,pp.161-181,2005.

  [9]Virtual Organization (VO) and Inter-organizational Relationships (IOR), YUSHODO Press, Printed in Japan,April 2005.

  [10]On Topology Networked Organization, Research & Development Management, 2000, Vol.12,No.2,41-52. (with Chen Rongqiu) (in Chinese)