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Zhou, Renjun


Department of Public Finance and Management

Research Interests:
Financial Accounting Theory, Incentive Mechanism and Performance Evaluation, Tax Planning, etc.
Email: zrj0728@mail.hust.edu.cn


  Ph.D. (Majored in Accounting), Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2004.

  B.E. (Majored in Accounting), Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 1982.

  Domestic Visiting and Training

  Visiting Scholar, Accounting Department of Xiamen University, Sep. 1996-Jun. 1997.

  Courses Taught

  Accounting, Junior Financial Accounting, Senior Financial Accounting, Financial Accounting Theory, Tax Theory and Practice, etc.

  Industrial Experiences

  Director of the fund management center, Hubei United Development Investment Group Co., Ltd., 2010-2011

  Independent Director, Wuhan Plastics Industrial Group Co., Ltd., 2009-2012

  Consulting Activities: Shanghai Arvid Investment Co., Ltd., Hubei Ren Xin Real Estate Co., Ltd., Shen Long Real Estate Company, Hubei He Xin Investment Co., Ltd., Hubei Food Processing Machinery Co., Ltd., etc.

  Research Interests

  Financial Accounting Theory, Incentive Mechanism and Performance Evaluation, Tax Planning, etc.

  Representative Research Papers

  1)The Effect of Large Shareholder’s Control on Managers’ Ownership Incentive,Accounting Research,2012, No.05,50-58(with Gao K.) (in Chinese)

  2)The Analysis of Incentive Effects of Management \' s Compensation Structure,Chinese Journal of Management Science,2011No.02,185-192(with Yang Z. & Li Y.) (in Chinese)

  3)The Link between Management Incentives and Firm Performance: An empirical study of State-owned versus Non-state owned listed Companies ,Accounting Research,2010, No.12,69-76(with Yang Z. & Li L.) (in Chinese)

  4)Corporate Governance, Incentive Mechanism and Performance Evaluation, Accounting Research,2005, No.11,26-31(with Yu T. & Yang Z.) (in Chinese)

  5)R&D:Accounting Perspective of urgent attention, Shanghai Accounting,2003, No.3,46-48 (in Chinese)

  6)The relevance and reliability of accounting information, Journal of Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics,2002, No.3,80-84 (in Chinese)

  7)The discussion about the choice of the concept of consolidated financial statements, Journal of Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics,1997, No.6,75-78 (in Chinese)