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Cai, Shuqin

  • 发布日期:2016-06-29
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Cai, Shuqin


Department of Management Science and Information Management

Research Interests:
Networking Marketing & Electronic Commerce, the Models of Operation and Management based-on Web2.0,Customer Relationship Management,Advantage Management Methods Based on Information Resources and IT, Methods for BPR, Enterprise Information Systems, etc.
Phone: +86-27-87556481
Email: caishuqin@hust.edu.cn


  Ph.D. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 1996.

  M.E. (Majored in Management Science and Engineering), HUST, 1989

  B.E. (Majored in Automation Control), Huanan University of Science&Technology, 1982.

  Overseas Visiting and Training

  Visiting Scholar, Erasmus University, the Netherlands, Feb.-Sept. 2004

  Visiting Scholar, Greenwich University, July.-Sept. 2009.

  Teaching Experience

  Management Information Systems, Information Management, Electronic Commerce & Networking Marketing ,etc.

  Industrial Experience

  Developed several information systems successfully for many organizations ,such as government,enterprises and companies from 1990 to present。

  Enterprise consulting for many organizations ,such as government,enterprises and companies on Information systems and management base-on IT/IS。

  Research Interests

  Networking Marketing & Electronic Commerce, the Models of Operation and Management based-on Web2.0,Customer Relationship Management,Advantage Management Methods Based on Information Resources and IT, Methods for BPR, Enterprise Information Systems, etc.

  Preferred Publications

  [1] Cai, Shuqin et al. Logistics Information Systems. China Logistics Publish House, 2010(in Chinese)

  [2] Cai, Shuqin. Management Information Systems. Science Press, 2007(in Chinese)

  [3] Cai, Shuqin, Wu Yingmin. Hypergraph Modeling of Opportunity Discovery and Its Application [J]. Chinese Journal of Management,2009,6(11):1449-1454 (in Chinese)

  [4] Cai, Shuqin, Zhang Yuan, et al. Supporting Models of Marketing Opportunity Discovery and Its Application [J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science,2008,16(2):179-185. (in Chinese)

  [5] Yu, Youping, Cai Shuqin. A new approach to customer targeting under conditions of information shortage[J]. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 2007,25(4) (ABI)

  [6] Cai, Shuqin, Li Li. Quantity Contingent Pricing Under Asymmetric Information in Electronic Markets[C]. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics,IEEE Catalog Number: 06EX1434C, Singapore, 2006(EI).

  [7] Liang, Kaichun, Shuqin Cai, Qiankun Zhao. Context-based Knowledge Recommendation: A 3-D Collaborative Filtering Approach[C]. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics INDIN 2007, Austria, 2007 (EI)

  [8] Yu, Youping, Cai Shuqin,etc. Service innovation support platform in production-distribution enterprises and its operational principle [J], Science Research Management,2007,(5) : 36-40(in Chinese)

  [9] Liang, Jing, Cai Shuqin, Wu Yingmin. Affections of Information Sharing for Incentive Contracts in Logistics Outsourcing [J]. Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2006,14(1):100-105(in Chinese)

wbext1 Professor wbext2 +86-27-87556481
wbext3 caishuqin@hust.edu.cn


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